ADLI Mini Fest

Two weeks following our ASaP Symposium, American Dance Legacy Initiative (ADLI) held it’s annual mini fest. In addition to performing the Battleworks etude in the lec/dem, our dancers took part in a workshop exploring new territory for everyone.

We divided the large studio into 2 groups: one led by Erika Pujic from ADLI and the other by Rachel Balaban from ASaP. Erika reworked choreography from a section of the Battleworks etude and taught it to a group of people while Rachel taught a seated group the same section with her modified choreography. There was no barrier separating them so they heard each other speaking, counting, and directing. After about 20 minutes of simultaneous teaching—a unique experience for both groups— they performed in partners with live percussion. The result was astounding on many levels. Creating and performing together after performing separately for so many years was very powerful. Making a connection through movement with a partner from a different generation was electrifying. In addition to the performers, the audience experienced the magic of spontaneous creativity and intergenerativity.